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Formulario de cambios de salud

Como lo requiere la ley, nuestra oficina se adhiere a las políticas y procedimientos escritos para proteger la privacidad de la información sobre usted que creamos, recibimos o mantenemos. Sus respuestas son solo para nuestros registros y se mantendrán confidenciales sujeto a las leyes aplicables. Tenga en cuenta que se le harán algunas preguntas sobre sus respuestas a este cuestionario y es posible que haya preguntas adicionales sobre su salud. Esta información es vital para permitirnos brindarle la atención adecuada. Esta oficina no usa esta información para discriminar.

Información Personal

Si está completando este formulario para otra persona, ¿cuál es su relación con esa persona?

Información Médica

¿Está actualmente bajo el cuidado de un médico?
¿Goza de buena salud?
¿Ha habido algún cambio en su salud general durante el último año?
¿Usa sustancias controladas (drogas)?
¿Usa tabaco (fumar, rapé, mascar, bidis)?
Si es así, ¿qué interés tiene en parar?
¿Bebes bebidas alcohólicas?
¿Ha tenido una enfermedad grave, una operación o ha estado hospitalizado en los últimos 5 años?
¿Toma anticoagulantes?
¿Toma aspirina con regularidad?
Está tomando o ha tomado recientemente algún medicamento recetado o de venta libre?

Solo mujeres Estás:

¿Tomanado píldoras anticonceptivas o reemplazos hormonales?
¿Ha tenido alguna vez un reemplazo ortopédico total de articulación (cadera, rodilla, codo, dedo)?

Alergias ¿Es alérgico o ha tenido una reacción a:

Anestésicos locales
Penicilina u otros antibióticos
Barbitúricos, sedantes o pastillas para dormir
Drogas sulfa
Codeína u otros narcóticos
Látex (goma)
Fiebre del heno / estacional
Alimentos / Otro

Marque "Si" si tiene o ha tenido alguna de las siguientes enfermedades o problemas.

Soplo cardíaco
Prolapso de la válvula mitral
Válvulas cardíacas artificiales
Fiebre reumática
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Angina de pecho
Insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva
Arteriopatía coronaria
Válvulas cardíacas dañadas
Infarto de miocardio
Presión arterial baja
Defectos cardíacos congénitos
Enfermedad cardíaca reumática
Sangrado anormal
Transfusión de sangre
SIDA o infección por VIH
Enfermedad autoinmune
Artritis reumatoide
Lupus eritematoso sistemático
Problemas de los senos nasales
Cáncer / Quimioterapia / Radioterapia
Dolor de pecho al hacer ejercicio.
Dolor crónico
Diabetes tipo I o tipo II
Desorden alimenticio
Enfermedad gastrointestinal
GE Reflujo / acidez estomacal persistent
Problemas tiroideos
Hepatitis, ictericia o enfermedad hepática
Desmayos o convulsiones
Desórdenes neurológicos
Sensibilidad al reflejo nauseoso
Desorden del sueño
Trastornos de salud mental
Infecciones recurrentes
Problemas de riñon
Sudores nocturnos
Glándulas inflamadas persistentes en el cuello
Dolor de cabeza / migrañas
Pérdida de peso severa / rápida
Micción excesiva
Desorden de déficit de atención
Trastorno del procesamiento sensorial
Sensibilidad sensorial oral
¿Un médico le ha recomendado que tome antibióticos antes de su tratamiento?
¿Tiene alguna enfermedad, afección o problema no mencionado anteriormente que crea que debería conocer?

Información de farmacia


NOTA: Se alienta tanto al médico como al paciente a discutir todos y cada uno de los problemas de salud relevantes del paciente antes del tratamiento.

Todas las partes involucradas acuerdan que este documento puede firmarse electrónicamente. Las firmas electrónicas que aparecen en este documento son las mismas que las firmas escritas a mano a los efectos de la validez, exigibilidad y admisibilidad.

Thank You!

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form. We'll review the information submitted and be in touch with you if anything additional is required.

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HIPAA Privacy Authorization Form

Authorization for use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information
(Required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)


hereby authorize and request Melinda Marino,DDS to release my health information to:

I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization, in writing, at any time. I understand that a revocation is not effective to the extent that any person or entity has already acted in reliance on my authorization or if my authorization was obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage and the insurer has a legal right to contest a claim. Unless otherwise revoked, this authorization shall be in force and effect indefinitely until changes are made by the patient.


All parties involved agree that this document may be signed electronically. The electronic signatures appearing on this document are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility.

Thank You!

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form. We'll review the information submitted and be in touch with you if anything additional is required.

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Consent for Services and Financial Policy

Thank you for choosing us as your Dental Care Provider. We are committed to your treatment being successful. Please understand that payment of your bill is considered part of your treatment. All patients must read and sign this form prior to seeing the doctor.

DENTAL INSURANCE: Our office will gladly work with you to help get the maximum benefit available to you. Most dental insurance plans do not cover 100% of your treatment cost. Therefore, you will be expected to pay your deductible and your estimated co-payment on the day that the services are rendered. We will gladly file your insurance claim as a courtesy. Many variables exist from carrier to carrier (i.e., restrictions): therefore, we cannot guarantee any estimated charges. Your policy and benefits are an agreement between you and the insurance company so ultimately you are responsible for all charges. Please know that we will do everything possible to see that you receive the full benefits from your insurance company. If for some reason your insurance company has not paid their estimated portion within 60 days from the start of treatment, you are responsible for payment in full at that time. Treatment could be altered if your dental needs change. The patient will be notified of any change(s) in treatment. We will gladly file all dental claims for any given treatment, but we are not party to any insurance programs or contracts. The balance is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY whether your insurance company pays for your treatment or not. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes in your insurance coverage.

REGARDING INSURANCE PLANS WHERE WE ARE A PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All ESTIMATED portions and deductibles are due prior to treatment. In the event your insurance coverage changes to a plan where are a non-participating provider, please refer to the above paragraph. You are responsible for advising this office if you have a change in your insurance coverage PRIOR to your scheduled appointment.

TREATMENT PLAN ESTIMATES: We prepare TREATMENT PLAN ESTIMATES so that patients can understand their estimated cost of recommended restorative treatment prior to start. The Estimate is a good-faith attempt to predict the cost of your treatment based on the known facts when the estimate is made. As your treatment progresses, your dentist may determine in consultation with you that additional or a change in treatment may be necessary and that would change the estimated cost.

MISSED / BROKEN APPOINTMENTS: We respectfully ask that you give us a minimum 48-hour notice to cancel or reschedule your reserved appointment. We kindly ask you to reschedule hygiene visits within 30 days of your recommended recall schedule. A broken appointment is defined as one for which the patient failed to show-up or to cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice. As of January 1, 2022, this office will charge for broken appointments at a rate of $75 per hour. All charges for broken appointments must be paid before any other appointments will be scheduled. All adult patients are required to sign for minors/dependents and themselves.

ASSIGNMENT OF INSURANCE BENEFITS: I understand that services rendered to me by Dr. Melinda Marino, DDS, Associate Dentist, and/or Hygienist (collectively labeled as “Provider”) are my financial responsibility and that the Provider will bill my insurance company as a courtesy. I authorize my insurance company to pay my benefits directly to Provider. I understand that I will be fully responsible for any outstanding balance on my account. THIS IS A DIRECT ASSIGNMENT OF MY RIGHTS AND BENEIFTS UNDER THIS POLICY. This payment will not exceed my indebtedness to the above-mentioned assignee, and I have agreed to pay, in a current manner, any balance of professional service charges over and above this insurance payment.

I have been given the opportunity to pay my estimated deductible and co-insurance at the time of service. I have chosen to assign the benefits, knowing that the claim must be paid within all state or federal prompt payment guidelines. I will provide all relevant and accurate information to facilitate the prompt payment of the claim by 25 days (electronically filed) or 45 days (paper mailed).

I authorize the Provider to release any information necessary to adjudicate the claim and understand that there might be associated costs for providing information beyond what is necessary for the adjudication of a clean claim. I also authorize the Provider to initiate a complaint to the insurance commissioner for any reason on my behalf.

I understand that should my insurance company send payments directly to me; I will forward the payment on to the Provider within 48 hours. I agree that if I fail to send the payment to the Provider, and they are forced to proceed with the collections process, I will be responsible for any cost incurred by the office to retrieve their monies. In the event the patient receives any check, draft, or other payment subject to this agreement, I will immediately deliver said check, draft, or other payment to Provider. Any violations of this agreement will, at Provider’s election, terminate Patient charge privileges with Provider, as well as bring any balance owed by Patient to Provider immediately due and payable.

I authorize the dentist to release any information including the diagnosis and the records of any treatment or examination rendered to me or my child during the period of such dental care to third party payers and/or healthcare practitioners.

I grant my permission to your or your assignee, to telephone me at home, my work, or my cell phone to discuss matters related to this form.

I have read the above conditions of treatment and payment and agree to the contents.


All parties involved agree that this document may be signed electronically. The electronic signatures appearing on this document are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility.

Thank You!

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form. We'll review the information submitted and be in touch with you if anything additional is required.


Thank You!

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form. We'll review the information submitted and be in touch with you if anything additional is required.
